Eyebrow transplant
The DHI eyebrow transplant method

Among hair restoration procedures, eyebrow transplantations are the most meticulous and complex. In an eyebrow transplant, it is important to achieve a natural appearance. For this, the angle and direction of the grafts must be natural and the eyebrow line must be carefully planned. In our clinics, eyebrow transplants are done with the DHI method. This transplant method is preferred as, unlike the FUE method, it allows for a direct and immediate transplant of the existing hair follicles.

Eyebrows have a very important aesthetic function. They define the contours of the face and enhance the eyes. This requires a personalized treatment plan based on the patient’s unique needs.

Eyebrow hair loss can have various causes: for example, skin diseases such as alopecia areata, chemotherapy, excessive tweezing to obtain a desired shape, and more. Eyebrow loss can also be temporary. When, on the other hand, an individual suffers from permanent eyebrow loss, they can opt for an eyebrow transplant.

Eyebrow transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles that are mainly extracted from the nape of the neck, and grafted into the affected areas.

The four stages of eyebrow transplants
Consultation and treatment planning

Planning of the treated area and the eyebrow’s shape is defined. At this stage, the doctor takes into consideration the shape of the patient’s face and any individual requests.

Follicle extraction

For this type of intervention, it is possible to use the method of partially shaving the donor area, a technique often used in patients with long hair who do not wish to shave completely. The limited number of follicular units allows this procedure to be carried out easily. The extraction of the follicles in this case is done with a partial shaving of the donor area. The shaved area from which the grafts will be extracted will not be visible, as it can be easily covered by existing hair. During extraction, only monobulbar follicles are selected. This technical detail is essential in order to give the eyebrows a natural look.

Follicle insertion with a Choi Implanter

Before extraction, local anaesthesia is administered to the donor area and subsequently also to the area that is to be treated. With the use of a Choi Implanter it is possible to insert follicles while taking into account the follicular inclination that varies from the specific position of the follicles. Brows have a strong follicular inclination. All this is important for obtaining a pleasant aesthetic result.

Post-intervention dressing

The day after the surgery, the bandages are applied to control the engraftment of the follicles and to prevent any other medical complication.
Since eyebrow transplants require an average of 200-300 grafts, the procedure generally takes 2-3 hours.

Candidates for eyebrow transplants

Eyebrow transplants can be performed on subjects with partial or complete loss of eyebrow hair.

Regrowth after eyebrow transplant

The growth process of newly transplanted eyebrows is the same as for a hair transplant. Within 15 days of the procedure, the patient may have a shock hair loss. Over the next 3 months, the patient will notice visible hair growth. The final result is visible 8-12 months after the intervention.

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